February 18, 2009 to Infinity and Beyond! ~ My PSP Work Page 3 |
With Cyndi's and Kat's Help: Tutuorial # 3: May 22, Friday, 2009 |
1a: Pick A Tube Out 1. Open a new image 400 x 400 - transparent 2. Open your tube 3. Duplicate your tube (Shift - D) or Edit - Copy 4. Paste as a New Layer on your transparent canvas. 5. Effects - Plugins - VM Distortion : Visman Distortion- Radial Pox. Use the default settings. 6. On the Layer Palette - reduce the opacity of this layer to what looks good for the colors of your tube. 7. Copy and Paste your tube again on your canvas. 8. Images - Resize - 75%. Ensure Resize All Layers is Unchecked. Effects - Sharpen - Sharpen. 9. Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow Vertical and Horizontal - 0 Opacity - 90 Blur - 3.5 Color - Black 10. Layers - New Raster Layer 11. Choose a font and choose a colour for your text. 12. Add your text to your tag - size 72 (or whatever looks good for your tag), floating and antialias checked. 13. Repeat Step 9. 14a. : go to adust : add/remove noise. 14. Effects - Noise - Add - 20% Uniform. 14b. : Selections None You are done. Nice and easy |
With Kat's Help: Tutuorial # 4: May 22, Friday, 2009 |
Splash! |
Take any rectangular jpg and go put a 25 pixel border on it in a color you like. r/l top/bottom all 25 Then select the border with your magic wand Now go to effects VM Natural /Splash Set is 128, 128, 128, 68, 5 and hit ok Put Text on the color you want at 12 font size Effects ~ 3DEffects ~ Drop Shadow ~ Select None That is it! |
Took an PSP Image, Colored the background, added texture, Added a frame, and put the text on it. |
Doing a Halloween Scrapkit : October 5, Tuesday, 2010 |
This was 6 pieces plus my Text. |
This list contains serial numbers and codes for just about every plug-in used in PSP!! SUPER BLADE PRO CODE: UU29122824 Bladepro~ name * code x652099183 Panopticum~ name SiEGE 1999 # 68716 Kia Power tools~ 07064-15906- 01532 Xenofex~ LDJGKABPBDIJ Correct # Solor Cell ~ 2632799 Axion Glow ~ ADLFBSWUKK Axion Flare ~ 12LPJN1GLP adobe photoshop5.5 Serial: PWW400R7106337- 339 Alien Skin Xenofex v1.1 Serial: HAOLLICHMIMM Andromeda 3D Series II : s/n: 5M30400120-0441 Andromeda Deluxe v3.0 : s/n: 8P21103658-4949 Andromeda Measurement for Photoshop:s/ n:8P81150004- 0184 Andromeda Series 2 3D Luxe Filter v3.0 : s/n: 8P21103658-4949 Andromeda Series 3 Screen Filter : s/n: 8P31250102-0417 Andromeda Shadow Filter : s/n: 8P51050073-0351 Andromeda Varifocus v1.1 : s/n: 8P61050127-1204 Andromeda Velociraptor : s/n: 7P10210439-3367 Axion Glow&Sparkle~ ~DASavant [AnThraX]-Serial: ADLFBSWUKK Axion Flare Effects~~DASavant [AnThraX] - Serial: 12LJPN1GLP Blade Pro~~100037 or X652099183 Boris Filters v1.0 : s/n: 8F002G-03B8M09- 123DL Boris FX v3.02 : s/n: 111222-3334445- 55621 Boris FX v4.0 : s/n: 199908-666166- 00615 canvas5 s/n#: W131-391324085 Extensis Intellihance 4.01 Serial#. IDE-400-200- 502-000004 Extensis PhotoGraphics v1.0 S/N: GCI-100-000- 653-000000 Etreme 3d program ser#: 45110-0855-0288- 44562 Eye Candy ~~ IIIGEBFHMJNB FeatherGIF : s/n: F2165935 FeatherGIF v1.98 : s/n: 514593 flaming pear solar cell 1.1e ser# : 2632799 Flaming Pear Solar Cell ~~ H234576593 ktp equilizer 1.0 : KE10WCD-0006871- JGQ KPT Gel ser#: KG50WCD-0000642- NAY Kai's Power Tools 3.0 ~~ 07064-15906- 01532 KPT6: TF60WRD-0022525- UHV Panopticum Lens Pro ~~ Sirgreg from Poland (Lodz) 196419 panopticum fire2 ser#: F2P - 159058 - 6020 Photo Graphics ser#: TSPW10-000C0- 2NY44 plugin name: listuser ser#: 53693410 universe plugin name: graphics ser#: 2018721526 Xenofex~ LDJGKABPBDIJ Correct # Eye Candy 40000: FMFNCCFNHOAA or BFNMMHPENCCI I HAVE FEATHERGIF #159842 SOLARCELL #789653 TESSATION #186919 Adobe Photoshop v5 Beta 66 : s/n: EXX500R7042200- 980 Adobe Photoshop 5.0 FINAL : s/n: pww400r7106337- 339 Adobe Photoshop 5.0 ISO : s/n: WW250R3107069- 312 Andromeda 1: 3P11100443 ANDROMEDA 2: 4P20800224-1044 Andromeda 3D 2: 5M30400120-0441 or 0P20000000-0051 or 5M20304526- 3390 Andromeda 3: 8P31250102-0417 Andromeda v4.0: 6P41200450-1461 Andromeda Measure: 8P81150004-0184 Andromeda Shadow Filter: 8P51050073-0351 Andromeda Varifocus: 8P61050032-0216 or 8P61050127-1204 Andromeda Velociraptor: 7P10210439-3367 Arrivo Select: 9F74-7800-7C59- 4508-FA53 Arrivo Select v1.2: 9809543255123456789 987654321 Axion Glow-n-Sparkle 2.0 name: DASavant [AnThraX] Code: ADLFBSWUKK or DASavant [AnThraX] - Serial: 12LJPN1GLP Axion Flare Effects name: DASavant [AnThraX] Code: 12LJPN1GLP BladePro: 100037 Chromatica: CCB-100-0001- 000301256458 or CCB-100- 0001- 019747060088 Chroma Graphics MagicMask 2.0 Code: CMB-200-0001- 005945824822 Deep Paint: DP100-AD-0003758 EdgeWizard v2.0: CWB-100-0001- 001048938452 or CWB-100-0001- 005745325805 Extensis Phototools 2.0: Name/Company: (Anything) s/n:CCE-400- 162- 285-319898 Extensis Mask Pro: IWE-201-100- 677-100003 Extensis PhotoFrame 2.1: GCG-064-567- 490-345678 Extensis PhotoAnimator v1.0: PWU-200-000- 777-001245 Extensis Intellihance Pro v4.0: ACU-100-000- 653-000000 Extensis PhotoTools v2.0: HGU-200-001- 025-225145 Extensis PhotoTools v3.01: HCI-300-429- 871-728372 Extensis PhotoGlow v2.0.2: HGU-200-001- 025-225145 Extensis Intellihance Pro v4.01: QCE-400-172- 648-446713 Extensis Photographis: GCE-100-123- 022-123456 Extensis PhotoText v2.0.2: HXU-200-001- 028-225148 Extensis Portfolio v4.01: FCE-400-162- 440-319898 Extensis Portfolio v4.02 : s/n: FCE-400-001- 718-084184 Extensis QXTools v4.0: (Int') QCE-400-000- 653-000000 (US) GCE-100- 100- 621-000002 Eye Candy: IIIGEBFHMJNB or KNDFFAFOPNGL or IJIGEBFHMJNB Eye Candy 40000: FMFNCCFNHOAA or BFNMMHPENCCI Fantastic Machines' Tile Tools 1.10: Name: Registered @ Code: INHJ8QJ Flaming Pear Solar Cell ~~ H234576593 FourSeasons v1.0: 4SP-W-01-xxxxxxx- xxxxxxx-xxxxxxx (x is any #) Four Seasons v1.12: Name: PEIDO98 s/n: 6865135 Genuine Fractals v2.0 : s/n: DR1000200011 Genuine Fractals PrintPro v1.0 : s/n: DR2000200001 HumanSoftware PhotoSpray 1.0: SWP111150015 India Ink 1.5: J1634667054 Kai's Power Tools 3.0 ~~ 07064-15906- 01532 Mask Pro: MCE-200-025- 816-806594 Panopticum Fire 1.0: NAME:CKLREGGED COMP:CKLREGGED SN:98158 Panopticum Lens: 66609995 or Sirgreg from Poland (Lodz) 196419 Phototracer: PTP-W-01-abt07wk- pg0q051-h3a0ajw PIC Press: Name: Mr. BlacK [WkT!] Serial #: 199399359 Powertone v1.5: PWTN1278A0000A04- 000 Rayflect 4 elements FEM-W-01-1234567- 1234567-1234567 Rayflect 4 seasons 4SP-W-01-1234567- 1234567-1234567 Rayflect phototracer PTP-W-01-1234567- 1234567-1234567 Rubber: 3597:51273 Squizz: ZQS202100207 Squizz 2.0: 855022 Textissimo: SED411300115 Typecaster: 100101363575 Vertigo 3D Words: YVR-5725-NJ087- ABN Xenofex~ LDJGKABPBDIJ Correct # AdoBe Illustrator v4.0 for Windows : s/n: ABW400R3101335- 714 or s/n: Adobe Illustrator v4.0.3 for Windows : s/n: ABW4033200000- 719 AdoBe Illustrator v4.01 for Windows : s/n: ABE400R3001625- 858 AdoBe Illustrator v4.03 for Windows : s/n: ABW4003106248- 986 Adobe Illustrator v4.1 for Windows : s/n: ABW4003109249- 420 Adobe Illustrator 7.0 : s/n: ABW700R7106044- 373 Adobe Illustrator 8.0 Beta X26 : s/n: ABW700R7106044- 373 Adobe Illustrator v8.0 Beta2 x28 : s/n: EXX500R5000070198- 504 Adobe Illustrator 8.0 Beta X40 : s/n: EXX500R5900103198- 517 Adobe Illustrator v8.0 : s/n: EXX500R5900103198- 517 Transparency v1.0 for Illustrator - s/n: 3865-1-W-100- TLE-20150 Adobe After Effects 3.1 Bundle Edition : s/n: EWW360R3100034- 100- 504 Adobe After Effects v3.1 : s/n: EXX666R9123199- 434 Adobe After Effects : s/n: 36-1529-303576267 Adobe AfterFX v4.0 : s/n: EWW400R3000406- 412 Eyecandy v 3.0 for after effects s/n: ACJBEFCDEHLC Automasker v1.5.1.107 Serial - AMS300-06974076 or AMS300-57777418 Adobe Premiere v4.0 for Windows : s/n: MBW400R11093940244 AdoBe Premiere v4.2 for Windows : s/n: MBW400R1104198- 375 Adobe Premiere v4.2 for windows (3) : s/n: MBF420U3000205- 940 Adobe Premiere v5.0 FINAL : s/n: MBF420U3000205- 940 Adobe Premiere RT v5.1 : s/n: MBF06SGE990001- 572 VizFX 1.0 for Premiere : s/n: 10000090004025 CLOTHREYES V3.0 for 3dmax: Name : Kashmir_B0ng Auth Code : 309376 METAREYES V5.0 for 3dmax Name : Kashmir_B0ng Auth Code : 878266 Cartoonreyes for 3dmax Edit plugin.ini: [Directories] ; REM Plug- ins=d:3dsmaxr2 em Character Studio v2.1 for 3DS MAX v2.X - Code: 3d2525b7 ScalpelMax 0.99 s/n: BAE97EE9-b006690B Intergraph ViZfx for 3D Studio Max - Name: SiEGE Code: 11145669004353 Arete Digital Nature Tools BETA1 for 3DS Max 2.x - Code: 049198 Illustrate! v3.0 for 3DS MAX v2.X - ID: 889 Code: 1C26 Jeta Reyes For MAX 2.x - Name: Kashmir s/n: 41025 RealFlow v1.11a Release For LightWave/3DSMAX2 - Code: 1500-1101597f Adobe Acrobat v3.0 French : s/n: KWM301R7223308- 275 Adobe Acrobat v3.01 : s/n: PWW250R3107069- 312 Adobe Acrobat v4.0 Final : s/n: AOW301R7136978- 298 Adobe Dimensions 3.0 : s/n: DJW300R7101786- 723 Adobe File Utilities Code : s/n: KWW300R7105734- 545 Adobe Font Folio 8.0 : s/n: AWW400R7110870- 808 Adobe Framemaker+SGML v5.1.1 : s/n: 05-0-01-01-5- 0C860-FC44ad Adobe FrameMaker+SGML v5.5.2 : s/n: 24-0-01-01-5- 00000-666160 Adobe Frame Maker v5.1.2 Win95/NT : s/n: 01-0-01-01-5- 37AA0-78BDD6 Adobe FrameMaker v5.5 : s/n: 20-0-01-01-5- 011C5-14B57E Adobe Framemaker v5.5.6 : s/n: 20-0-01-01-5- 0D2F9-36EC16 Adobe Gallery Effects 1.5 : s/n: 36-1521-303602728 Adobe Gallery Effects 1.52 : s/n: 36-1524-303516493 Adobe Golive GJW400R2100006- 625 Adobe ImageReady Preview 1.0 : s/n: EXM100XX675071598- 005-414 AdoBe PageMaker v5.0a for Windows : s/n: 03-5025-303224614 AdoBe PageMaker v6.0 for Win95 : s/n: 03-3002-000062275 or s/n: AdoBe PageMaker v6.0 for Win95 (2) : s/n: 03W600R1118753- 720 Adobe PageMaker 6.5 : s/n: 03W650R7104326- 845 Adobe Pagemill 2.0 : s/n: MLW200R7139069- 780 Abobe PageMill v3.0 : s/n: MLW300R7102296- 238 Adobe Pagemill v3.0 French : s/n: MLF300R7206554- 670 Adobe Persuasion v4.0 : s/n: 09W123X523456- 521 Adobe PhotoDeluxe v1.0 for Windows 95 : s/n: HTW100R7106474- 426 Adobe PhotoDeluxe v2.0 Win95/NT : s/n: HTW200r7100048- 493 Adobe Photo Deluxe Business Edition v1.0 : s/n: CQW100R7113867- 753 Adobe PhotoDeluxe Home Edition v3.0 : s/n: HTW100R7100000- 363 AdoBe StreaMLine v3.0 for Windows : s/n: SBW3001110706- 297 AdoBe StreaMLine v3.01 for Windows : s/n: SBW300S1100640- 184 Adobe Streamline v4.0 : s/n: SBW400U7102000- 766 Adobe Streamline v4.0 French : s/n: SBF400R7100627- 705 Adobe Type Manager v4.0 for Windows 95: s/n: AWW400P0101591- 292 Adobe Type Manager Deluxe v4.0 for Windows 95: s/n: AWW400R7110870- 808 ADOBE TYPE MANAGER 4 NT : s/n: XNW400R0000001- 834 AdoBe Wild Type : s/n: FHW251R31003373 PlWinACE 1.x AV String: Alexander Bremer Reg Key: ACE-RP9T-M7CW- RRNW-AD34 http://www.winace. com Demoshield v6.0 : Password/s/n: Vulcan MS Publisher2000 MP4F9-W6C8V- HTCCT-T7M7R- Y7K3Y Flash4 FLW400-82262- 47145-29336 Fireworks 2.0 S/N: FWW200-03751- 71929-31337 Corel Draw9 DR9NR-5982R33759 Adobe ImageStyler v1.0 serial # FJW100R7102343- 395 Satori PhotoXL 3.02 CD-Key:AS3992- X477895 Thumbs 4 Retail Name:bobby sherman Serial number:33DC4AE3 AutoCAD 2000 Final AutoCAD Serial...... ..: 112-11111111 AutoCAD CD-Key.....: 5X8NUG AutoCAD Authorization. : Not required when using these codes. Educational Version AutoCAD Serial...... ..: 111-11111111 AutoCAD CD-Key...... ..: GX8NUG AutoCAD Authorization. : FFD54A5A Poser 3 FA300RAU0015692- YDAQ-001 Pluginmanager v2.0 for win95/nt Name: PREDATOR666 Key: KGSI512812ICNE Extensis.Power. Suite.v4. 0.International. English phototools 3.0 s/n:HCE-300- 011-236-326428 maskpro 2.0 s/n:MCE-200- 283-883-432762 portfolio 4.1 s/n:FCE-400- 232-691-767344 portfolio 4.0server s/n:FSE-400- 162-896-851922 intellihance 3.0 s/n:ICE-300- 019-905-580138 intellehance 4.0 s/n:IDE-400- 019-905-580138 photoframe 1.0 s/n:BCE-100- 289-695-170313 photoframe 2.0 s/n:BDE-200- 289-695-580138 Photoframe 2.0 Int s/n:BDI-200- 289-695-170313 pagetools 2.0x s/n:PWE-200- 100-238-100005 qxtools 4.0 s/n:QCI-400- 111-509-230898 Beyondpress 4.0 s/n:CCE-400- 016-648-339702 PhotoAnimator 1.0 s/n:ACU-100- 239-448-107300 PhotoGraphics 1.0 s/n:GCE-100- 032-823-712972 ProWeb 4.0 s/n:FPI-400- 784-679-832864 director windows 5 DRW500-07377- 77077-31989 director windows 6 DRW600-04872- 67068-23430 director mac 5 DRM500-07373- 78072-12074 director mac 6 WDM600-04676- 07074-78404 fireworks mac 1 FWM100-04450- 07073-36479 dreamwaver mac 1 DWM100-03581- 78025-62287 KPT GOO KU10WCD-0001056- TNW KPT Gel Reg # KG50WCD-0000642- NAY KPT6: TF60WRD-0022525- UHV Flaming Pear Solar Cell ~~ H234576593 flaming pear solar cell 1.1e ser# : 2632799 (newest version) MetaCreations | KPT 5 reg# 07064-15906- 01532 Blade pro # X652099183 or A704841951 /100037 or X652099183 Plugins Eye Candy ~~ IIIGEBFHMJNB Xenofex 0.1~~ JKGDDBEEKLCH or IIIGDDBEEKLCH or LDJGKABPBDIJ Correct # for .2 Alien Skin Software xenofex reg# JKGDDBEEKLCH Axion Glow & Sparkle ~~ DASavant [AnThraX] - Serial: ADLFBSWUKK Axion Flare Effects ~~ DASavant [AnThraX] - Serial: 12LJPN1GLP Panopticum Lens Pro ~~ Sirgreg from Poland (Lodz) 196419 FeatherGIF : s/n: F2165935 FeatherGIF v1.98 : s/n: 514593 Extensis Intellihance 4.01 Serial#. IDE-400-200- 502-000004 universe plugin name: listuser ser#: 53693410 axion flare effects reg#dasavant[ anthrax] serial# 12LJPN1GLP glow and sparkle reg#dasavant[ anthrax] serial# ADLFBSWUKK Extensis PhotoGraphics Extensis Intellihance for Adobe Photoshop v4.0 reg# IDE-400-200- 502- 000004 Andromeda Software, Inc. Home Page Velociraptor Demo reg# 7P10210439-3367 -Series 3 Screens Demo for PC reg#8P31250102- 0417 -Series 2 Three-D Luxe Demo for PC - reg#8P121103658- 4949 VariFocus Filter Demo for PC reg#8P61050127- 1204 -Measurement Filter Demo for PC -reg#8P81150004- 0184 : BorisFX.com : Downloads : Demos : Windows/NT Bladepro~ name * code x652099183 Panopticum~ name SiEGE 1999 # 68716 Kia Power tools~ 07064-15906- 01532 Xenofen~ JKGDDBEEKLCH Solor Cell ~ 2632799 Axion Glow ~ ADLFBSWUKK Axion Flare ~ 12LPJN1GLP adobe photoshop5.5 Serial: PWW400R7106337- 339 Alien Skin Xenofex v1.1 Serial: HAOLLICHMIMM Andromeda 3D Series II : s/n: 5M30400120-0441 Andromeda Deluxe v3.0 : s/n: 8P21103658-4949 Andromeda Measurement Filter for Photoshop : s/n: 8P81150004-0184 Andromeda Series 2 3D Luxe Filter v3.0 : s/n: 8P21103658-4949 Andromeda Series 3 Screen Filter : s/n: 8P31250102-0417 Andromeda Shadow Filter : s/n: 8P51050073-0351 Andromeda Varifocus v1.1 : s/n: 8P61050127-1204 Andromeda Velociraptor : s/n: 7P10210439-3367 Axion Glow & Sparkle ~~ DASavant [AnThraX] - Serial: ADLFBSWUKK Axion Flare Effects ~~ DASavant [AnThraX] - Serial: 12LJPN1GLP Blade Pro ~~ 100037 or X652099183 Boris Filters v1.0 : s/n: 8F002G-03B8M09- 123DL Boris FX v3.02 : s/n: 111222-3334445- 55621 Boris FX v4.0 : s/n: 199908-666166- 00615 canvas5 s/n#: W131-391324085 Extensis Intellihance 4.01 Serial#. IDE-400-200- 502-000004 Extensis PhotoGraphics v1.0 S/N: GCI-100-000- 653-000000 Etreme 3d program ser#: 45110-0855-0288- 44562 Eye Candy ~~ IIIGEBFHMJNB FeatherGIF : s/n: F2165935 FeatherGIF v1.98 : s/n: 514593 flaming pear solar cell 1.1e ser# : 2632799 Flaming Pear Solar Cell ~~ H234576593 ktp equilizer 1.0 : KE10WCD-0006871- JGQ KPT Gel ser#: KG50WCD-0000642- NAY Kai's Power Tools 3.0 ~~ 07064-15906- 01532 KPT6: TF60WRD-0022525- UHV Panopticum Lens Pro ~~ Sirgreg from Poland (Lodz) 196419 panopticum fire2 ser#: F2P - 159058 - 6020 Photo>Graphics ser#: TSPW10-000C0- 2NY44 plugin name: listuser ser#: 53693410 universe plugin name: graphics ser#: 2018721526 Xenofex ~~ JKGDDBEEKLCH Xenofex FULL :JKGDDBEEKLCH Adobe Photoshop v5 Beta 66 : s/n: EXX500R7042200- 980 Adobe Photoshop 5.0 FINAL : s/n: pww400r7106337- 339 Adobe Photoshop 5.0 ISO : s/n: WW250R3107069- 312 Andromeda 1: 3P11100443 ANDROMEDA 2: 4P20800224-1044 Andromeda 3D 2: 5M30400120-0441 or 0P20000000-0051 or 5M20304526- 3390 Andromeda 3: 8P31250102-0417 Andromeda v4.0: 6P41200450-1461 Andromeda Measure: 8P81150004-0184 Andromeda Shadow Filter: 8P51050073-0351 Andromeda Varifocus: 8P61050032-0216 or 8P61050127-1204 Andromeda Velociraptor: 7P10210439-3367 Arrivo Select: 9F74-7800-7C59- 4508-FA53 Arrivo Select v1.2: 9809543255123456789 987654321 Axion Glow-n-Sparkle 2.0 name: DASavant [AnThraX] Code: ADLFBSWUKK or DASavant [AnThraX] - Serial: 12LJPN1GLP Axion Flare Effects name: DASavant [AnThraX] Code: 12LJPN1GLP BladePro: 100037 or X652099183 Chromatica: CCB-100-0001- 000301256458 or CCB-100-0001- 019747060088 Chroma Graphics MagicMask 2.0 Code: CMB-200-0001- 005945824822 Deep Paint: DP100-AD-0003758 EdgeWizard v2.0 : CWB-100-0001- 001048938452 or CWB-100-0001- 005745325805 Extensis Phototools 2.0: Name/Company: (Anything) s/n:CCE-400- 162- 285-319898 Extensis Mask Pro: IWE-201-100- 677-100003 Extensis PhotoFrame 2.1: GCG-064-567- 490-345678 Extensis PhotoAnimator v1.0: PWU-200-000- 777-001245 Extensis Intellihance Pro v4.0: ACU-100-000- 653-000000 Extensis PhotoTools v2.0: HGU-200-001- 025-225145 Extensis PhotoTools v3.01: HCI-300-429- 871-728372 Extensis PhotoGlow v2.0.2: HGU-200-001- 025-225145 Extensis Intellihance Pro v4.01: QCE-400-172- 648-446713 Extensis Photographis: GCE-100-123- 022-123456 Extensis PhotoText v2.0.2: HXU-200-001- 028-225148 Extensis Portfolio v4.01: FCE-400-162- 440-319898 Extensis Portfolio v4.02 : s/n: FCE-400-001- 718-084184 Extensis QXTools v4.0: (Int') QCE-400-000- 653-000000 (US) GCE-100- 100- 621-000002 Eye Candy: IIIGEBFHMJNB or KNDFFAFOPNGL or IJIGEBFHMJNB Fantastic Machines' Tile Tools 1.10: Name: Registered @ Code: INHJ8QJ Flaming Pear Solar Cell ~~ H234576593 FourSeasons v1.0: 4SP-W-01-xxxxxxx- xxxxxxx-xxxxxxx (x is any #) Four Seasons v1.12: Name: PEIDO98 s/n: 6865135 Genuine Fractals v2.0 : s/n: DR1000200011 Genuine Fractals PrintPro v1.0 : s/n: DR2000200001 HumanSoftware PhotoSpray 1.0: SWP111150015 India Ink 1.5: J1634667054 Kai's Power Tools 3.0 ~~ 07064-15906- 01532 Mask Pro: MCE-200-025- 816-806594 Panopticum Fire 1.0: NAME:CKLREGGED COMP:CKLREGGED SN:98158 Panopticum Lens: 66609995 or Sirgreg from Poland (Lodz) 196419 Phototracer: PTP-W-01-abt07wk- pg0q051-h3a0ajw PIC Press: Name: Mr. BlacK [WkT!] Serial #: 199399359 Powertone v1.5: PWTN1278A0000A04- 000 Rayflect 4 elements FEM-W-01-1234567- 1234567-1234567 |
To Make A Watermark | To Downlaod WinRar |
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Re~Sizing Animation: click on animation shop, when it opens go up to file, then open. Go to whichever folder your gif is in. To resize EDIT click propogate paste, EDIT select all, Then go to animation RESIZE. I usually pick 75 or 80 % to start with. If I like the new size I click save as (or just "save" if there are no changes to make). In animation shop there is a banner area that can be fun to play with . |
Again Resizing Animation and Seeing the Animation Work Well you dont generally take a gif into PSP so if you did yes it will stop animating :) Yes you can resize in animation shop. When you want to open a gif you go to animation shop, file then open, find it and it will show you how many frames it has. Then you make your original graphic you want, to add it to have the same amount of frames. Then you select all the frames of the gif and copy then select all the frames in your original and paste into selected frame, when you let go of the mouse, thats where you gif will be and in all the frames. There is a button you have to push to preview the animation, once you hit file, save as, it animates, but if you wanna see a preview there is a little button that looks like a filmstrip on the top near the end, (next to the arrow with a question mark next to it) push that. then when you see it, hit the x and it will close. To MOVE the animation somewhere else in the graphic (say you put it somewhere and arent happy with where you put it) Go to edit, undo and then hit edit again and paste into selected frame (1st one) |
My PSP Work Two | My PSP Work Four |
"This site is Created & Maintained by Marcia" |
All material is ® and © by their respected owners. All rights reserved Disney. Use of copyrighted and trademarked material is for entertainment purposes only; no infringement on the original copyrights or trademarks held by the respected owners is intended or should be inferred |
All material is ® and © by their respected owners. All rights reserved by the respected owners. Use of copyrighted. And trademarked material is for entertainment purposes only; no infringement on the original copyrights or trademarks held by the respected owners is intended or should be inferred. |