What you do is pay particular attention to a different sense for five days. For example, on a Monday, it could be the sense of smell. On Tuesday, touch; on Wednesday, taste; on Thursday, hearing; and on Friday, sight. For most of us, we rely heavily on sight, so it's a good exercise to isolate and concentrate on the other senses, one by one. You might even want to close your eyes if you're in a safe place to do so, to enhance your concentration. Here are some examples of what you can do: |
Sense of smell – visit a bakery, a food store with herbs, a garden or conservatory, a restaurant, the outdoors, a perfume shop. Close your eyes when possible as you take in scents. |
Sense of touch – close your eyes and feel all the different types of fabrics and surfaces in your home, as well as your different types of clothing. |
Sense of taste – close your eyes and savor each mouthful you eat. Notice the different flavors. Or build a meal around different tastes – salty, sweet, sour, bland, spicy, etc. |
Sense of hearing – close your eyes and listen to the sound of someone's voice on the phone. Listen to different kinds of music on the radio. Go outdoors and listen to the sounds around you. |
Sense of sight – visit an art gallery or other type of picture exhibit, turn the sound off and watch the television, while outdoors, observe a small space and see what happens as you watch, take in a sunrise or sunset. |
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All material is ® and © by their respected owners. All rights reserved by the respected owners. Use of copyrighted. And trademarked material is for entertainment purposes only; no infringement on the original copyrights or trademarks held by the respected owners is intended or should be inferred. |